Understanding the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

By Federal International Marketing
August 26, 2024

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of universal action items, address economic, environmental and political challenges facing the world. Formulated by the United Nations (UN) in 2015, the 17 SDGs aim to achieve a sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future by the year 2030. The SDGs are organized across four pillars: Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption.

Why do the SDGs matter?

Each of the 17 SDGs were created to help combat the biggest challenges the world is facing today, including but not limited to poverty, inequality and climate change.

What are the 17 SDGs?

Who is responsible for achieving the SDGs?

The UN invites companies of various sizes, locations and industries to sign the UN Global Compact, where companies promise to align their business practices and operational strategies with one or more of the 17 SDGs. Although the global pandemic and subsequent lockdown slowed progress toward the UN’s 2030 goal, efforts have been reignited post-pandemic.
In 2023, Federal International signed the UN Global Compact and began developing strategies to implement the SDGs into our daily activities and One Federal core values of Family, Employees, Diversity, Environment, Relationships, Authenticity and Longevity.

How is Federal International helping to achieve the SDGs?

Federal International is an industry leader in recycling and waste management solutions, as well as a leader in the creation of sustainable, high-performing foam and plastic products. As the parent company of Federal Eco Foam (FEF), Federal Recycling & Waste Solutions (FR) and Federal Foam Technologies (FFT), Federal International elected to work on Sustainable Development Goal #12, Responsible Consumption and Production.
Our family of companies has a unique opportunity to enhance the sustainability of our foam and plastic products, while also focusing on environmental protection around our facilities. With SDG #12, we are able to expand upon one of the seven One Federal values: ‘Environment.’

Kirsten Barton from Federal International and Tim Bebout from business unit Federal Recycling presenting on Sustainable Development Goal #12 as part of the United Nations’ Accelerator Program.

While SDG #12 is what we are officially working on through the UN Global Compact, we also have a strong focus on the other SDGs through their close relation to our core values. Our focus on human rights and the treatment and well-being of our employees align with ‘Family’ and ‘Diversity,’ while our safety and labor standards resonate with ‘Employees’ as we provide a safe and inclusive work environment. Environmental stewardship is mirrored in our dedication to the ‘Environment’ and ‘Longevity’, ensuring the well-being of our planet for future generations. Our adherence to anti-corruption policies promotes transparency and trust, strengthening ‘Relationships’ and showcasing ‘Authenticity’.

What actions could YOU take to further the Sustainable Development Goals?

If you’re looking for ways your business can be more sustainable and environmentally friendly with your production, reach out to our team of experts to see how we can work together to achieve your goals.

Looking to take action with SDGs through your company? As of May 2024, more than 20,000 companies (including us!) in over 167 countries have signed the UN Global Compact. By taking that crucial first step, companies are making a commitment to improve the world’s economic, environmental and political future. Learn more by checking out the UN’s website here.